Package: shinyWidgets

Victor Perrier

shinyWidgets: Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny

Collection of custom input controls and user interface components for 'Shiny' applications. Give your applications a unique and colorful style !

Authors:Victor Perrier [aut, cre, cph], Fanny Meyer [aut], David Granjon [aut], Ian Fellows [ctb], Wil Davis [ctb], Spencer Matthews [ctb], JavaScript and CSS libraries authors [ctb, cph]

shinyWidgets.pdf |shinyWidgets.html
shinyWidgets/json (API)

# Install 'shinyWidgets' in R:
install.packages('shinyWidgets', repos = c('', ''))

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17.05 score 849 stars 218 packages 8.1k scripts 61k downloads 12 mentions 144 exports 30 dependencies

Last updated 3 days agofrom:513b6b880d. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 05 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 05 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 05 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 05 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Awesome action buttonactionBttn
Actions Buttons Group InputsactionGroupButtons
Display a spinner above an output when this one recalculateaddSpinner
Air Date Picker InputairDatepicker airDatepickerInput airMonthpickerInput airYearpickerInput timepickerOptions
Animate optionsanimateOptions
Animation namesanimations
Mutate Vertical Tabset PanelappendVerticalTab removeVerticalTab reorderVerticalTabs
Autonumeric Input WidgetautonumericInput
Awesome Checkbox Input ControlawesomeCheckbox
Awesome Checkbox Group Input ControlawesomeCheckboxGroup
Awesome Radio Buttons Input ControlawesomeRadio
Bootstrap panel / alertalert bootstrap-utils list_group panel
Calendar Pro InputcalendarProInput
Buttons Group checkbox Input ControlcheckboxGroupButtons
Theme selector for 'sliderInput'chooseSliderSkin
Circle Action buttoncircleButton
Close Sweet AlertcloseSweetAlert
Color PickrcolorPickr
Color Selector InputcolorSelectorExample colorSelectorInput
Create choice structure for 'treeInput()'create_tree
Format Numeric InputscurrencyInput formatNumericInput
Some examples on how to use airDatepickerInputdemoAirDatepicker
Some examples on how to use noUiSliderInputdemoNoUiSlider
An example showing how numericRangeInput worksdemoNumericRange
Demo for 'virtualSelectInput()'demoVirtualSelect
Deprecated functioncolorSelectorDrop deprecated setShadow setSliderColor useArgonDash useBs4Dash useShinydashboard useShinydashboardPlus useTablerDash
Create a download 'actionBttn'downloadBttn
Interact with Drop MenudisableDropMenu drop-menu-interaction enableDropMenu hideDropMenu showDropMenu
Dropdown ButtondropdownButton
Drop MenudropMenu
Drop menu optionsdropMenuOptions
Execute an expression safely in serverexecute_safely
Winbox JavaScript Dependencieshtml_dependency_winbox
HTML dependencieshtml-dependencies html_dependency_awesome html_dependency_bsswitch html_dependency_bttn html_dependency_pretty html_dependency_sweetalert2
Launch an input text dialoginputSweetAlert
Knob InputknobInput
Material Design Switch Input ControlmaterialSwitch
Create a multiselect input controlmultiInput
Numeric range slidernoUiSliderInput
Create a numeric input control with icon(s)numericInputIcon
Numeric Range InputnumericRangeInput
Picker GrouppickerGroup-module pickerGroupServer pickerGroupUI
Select Picker Input ControlpickerInput
Options for 'pickerInput'pickerOptions
Prepare choices for 'virtualSelectInput()'prepare_choices
Prepare choices for 'slimSelectInput()'prepare_slim_choices
Pretty Checkbox InputprettyCheckbox
Pretty Checkbox Group Input ControlprettyCheckboxGroup
Pretty radio Buttons Input ControlprettyRadioButtons
Pretty Switch InputprettySwitch
Pretty Toggle InputprettyToggle
Progress Barsprogress-bar progressBar updateProgressBar
Progress bar in a sweet alertprogressSweetAlert
Buttons Group Radio Input ControlradioGroupButtons
Search InputsearchInput
Selectize GroupselectizeGroup-module selectizeGroupServer selectizeGroupUI
Custom background color for your shinyappsetBackgroundColor
Custom background image for your shinyappsetBackgroundImage
shinyWidgets: Custom inputs widgets for Shiny.shinyWidgets-package shinyWidgets
Launch the shinyWidget GalleryshinyWidgetsGallery
Show a toast notificationshow_toast
Slider Text Input WidgetsliderTextInput
Slim Select InputslimSelectInput
Palette Color Picker with Spectrum LibraryspectrumInput
Minimal statistic cardsstati-card statiCard updateStatiCard
Display a Sweet Alert to the usersendSweetAlert show_alert sweetalert
Launch a confirmation dialogask_confirmation confirmSweetAlert sweetalert-confirmation
Bootstrap Switch Input ControlswitchInput
Text with Add-on Input ControltextInputAddon
Create a text input control with icon(s)textInputIcon
Time inputtime-input timeInput updateTimeInput
Toggle a dropdown menutoggleDropdownButton
Tooltip optionstooltipOptions
Tree Input WidgettreeInput
Change the value of 'airDatepickerInput()' on the clientupdateAirDateInput
Update an Autonumeric Input ObjectupdateAutonumericInput
Change the value of an awesome checkbox input on the clientupdateAwesomeCheckbox
Change the value of a 'awesomeCheckboxGroup' input on the clientupdateAwesomeCheckboxGroup
Change the value of a radio input on the clientupdateAwesomeRadio
Update calendar pro from serverupdateCalendarPro
Change the value of a checkboxes group buttons input on the clientupdateCheckboxGroupButtons
Update color pickr server-sideupdateColorPickr
Update a Formatted Numeric Input WidgetupdateCurrencyInput updateFormatNumericInput
Change the value of a knob input on the clientupdateKnobInput
Change the value of a materialSwitch input on the clientupdateMaterialSwitch
Change the value of a multi input on the clientupdateMultiInput
Change the value of a no ui slider input on the clientupdateNoUiSliderInput
Change the value of a numeric input icon on the clientupdateNumericInputIcon
Change the value of a numeric range inputupdateNumericRangeInput
Change the value of a select picker input on the clientupdatePickerInput
Change the value of a pretty checkbox on the clientupdatePrettyCheckbox
Change the value of a pretty checkbox on the clientupdatePrettyCheckboxGroup
Change the value pretty radio buttons on the clientupdatePrettyRadioButtons
Change the value of a pretty switch on the clientupdatePrettySwitch
Change the value of a pretty toggle on the clientupdatePrettyToggle
Change the value of a radio group buttons input on the clientupdateRadioGroupButtons
Change the value of a search input on the clientupdateSearchInput
Change the value of a slider text input on the clientupdateSliderTextInput
Update slim select from serverupdateSlimSelect
Change the value of a spectrum input on the clientupdateSpectrumInput
Change the value of a switch input on the clientupdateSwitchInput
Change the value of a text input icon on the clientupdateTextInputIcon
Update Tree InputupdateTreeInput
Update selected vertical tabupdateVerticalTabsetPanel
Update virtual select from serverupdateVirtualSelect
Load Sweet Alert dependenciesuseSweetAlert
Vertical tab panelvertical-tab verticalTabPanel verticalTabsetPanel
Virtual Select InputvirtualSelectInput
WinBox controlswbControls
WinBox OptionswbOptions
WinBoxapplyWinBox closeWinBox WinBox
Format numbers in noUiSliderInputwNumbFormat